An Objection is an Opportunity! by Dr. Cedric Nazareth
Every salesperson knows that a customer can - and will - raise objections. An objection reflects an area of disagreement, where the customer's (doctor's) viewpoint does not coincide with your own.
It is not uncommon for the pharmaceutical salesperson to consider objections to be obnoxious..... loaded with nuisance value. On the other hand, objection handling is a crucial part of the selling sequence. If the objection is handled correctly, you may remove the only hindrance to prescribing the product. Thus an objection should be looked upon as an opportunity and not as an obstacle.
Objection handling blends the techniques of salesmanship with a good product knowledge. And let’s look at it this way - if you can handle objections (often considered to be the difficult part) everything else would appear so simple!
Basic Guidelines to Objection Handling
1. Anticipate Objections - One way of doing this is to list out important objections product wise, and draft out model answers to each. This way, you will be ready when a doctor poses an objection to you.
2. Hear the full objection - Always listen carefully and don’t jump to your own conclusions.
3. Accurately analyse the reason for the objection
4. Review the objection again with the doctor - By probing and asking suitable questions, you may verify whether your interpretation of the objection is correct.
5. Be positive, not negative - It generally pays to place more emphasis on the positive attributes of your own products rather than the negative features of competitors.
6. Provide proof - Medical literature and reports can carry more weight in scientifically related matters than the word of company representatives.
7. Seek agreement - Put "checking questions" to evaluate the doctor’s current thinking and to seek agreement.
A Tip:
First and foremost, assess the true nature of the objection!
Don’t react without proper analysis! Listen - Think - Acknowledge - Respond
Types of Objection
Objections will invariably be of one of the following types:
1. Status quo Objection
2. Factual Objection
3. Non-fact Objection
4. Doubter’s Objection
Amongst the first steps in objection handling is to make an accurate analysis. Place the objection in one of these categories before proceeding further.
Types of Objection
1. Status quo Objection
The doctor is satisfied with current therapy and sees no need to change. We often encounter such objections, e.g. the ciprofloxacin prescriber who does not want to shift to sparfloxacin. Basic steps in handling objections of this type would involve:
* Show respect for the doctor’s current choice of drug
* Assure him that he will lose nothing if he uses your product
* Highlight the fact that your product is different
and present the differences - Features/ Advantages/ Benefits (Selling statement)
* Checking Question
An example of this type of objection can be raised by the Ciprofloxacin prescriber, to whom you are selling a Sparfloxacin brand ("S")
Doctor’s objection: "I am happy with Ciprofloxacin" Specimen Objection Handling: Doctor, Ciprofloxacin is indeed an excellent product. However, I assure you that with "S" you will get all the benefits of Ciprofloxacin plus more!In fact, "S" has unique features which would make it your preferred choice. "S" is more potent antibacterial than Ciprofloxacin, and has the best gram positive and anaerobic coverage amongst all fluoroquinolones. In addition "S" has once daily dosing convenience........ Wouldn’t you now agree that "S" is the superior choice?
(Please note that specimen detailing provided here and subsquently is only to illustrate the methodology of objection handling using the steps suggested. Actual situations will certainly call for modification in the detailing)
2. Factual Objection
This objection is based on fact(s) that you may not be able to deny. In this category can be included the objections based on the doctor’s personal experience, e.g., a doctor may complain that cetirizine causes sedation, based on the experiences of his patients who have been prescribed the product.On the other hand, your company may be projecting cetirizine as a non-sedating antihistamine. Key steps in handling such objections are:
* Acknowledge the customer’s point of view
* Put the situation in perspective (e.g., one or two patients experiencing sedation with cetirizine must be weighed against thousands of patients evaluated)
* Determine the current situation (checking question)Example Objection: My patients have experienced sedation with "C" (cetirizine brand) Specimen Objection Handling: Thank you for your feedback. Your experience is valuable to me. I would request you to evaluate cetirizine in a larger number of patients and you will be convinced that it is indeed non-sedating. Cetrizine is acclaimed to be a non-sedating antihistamine. Cetirizine has a poor ability to cross the blood brain barrier and large studies involving thousands of patients have shown that sedation occurs no more frequently than with a placebo. Doctor, could it be possible that in the two patients who complained of sedation, some other factor may have been involved? Could I request you to try "C" in a few more patients?
3. Non-fact Objection
Under this head could be included a number of objections in which the perception of the doctor differs from the actual facts. For example, the doctor may feel that single dose therapy with secnidazole is associated with a high incidence of adverse effects, whereas in reality, it is generally well tolerated. Key steps:
(Tread carefully; Don’t try to prove the doctor wrong)
* Rephrase the objection into a question e.g., "You feel "S" has more adverse effects?"
(This shows interest in the doctor’s point of view and helps to obtain more information from the doctor)
* Answer directly
* Add proof, if necessary
Objection: A single 2 g dose of "S" (secnidazole) would cause many adverse effects Specimen Objection handling: Have you actually experienced more adverse effects with "S"? (Pause for the negative reply that you would obtain if this is a non-factual objection). Doctor, many studies have confirmed that "S" is well tolerated in a single 2 gm dose, and that’s what makes "S" a particularly good choice... (provide proof)... Can I now look forward to your prescriptions of "S"?
4. Doubter’s Objection
The doctor may be interested, but is doubtful. This type of objection is particualrly likely to be encountered when discussing a new product or concept. For example, a doctor may be doubtful about lansoprazole’s superiority over omeprazole. Key steps:
* Provide proof
- Make best use of scientific reports and information
Clinical Reports Provide Proof!
There is a wealth of information on your product in medical publications. A report in a reputed medical journal or textbook can make all the difference in converting doubt into conviction. If used appropriately, medical literature can strongly support your effort. Be familiar with the material available available and use it suitably to help convince the doctor. Of course, you must also remember that your capabilility to represent the facts competently will enhance your image and help you gain further mileage.
Do you have the required information?
You often do! Sources include
* Your own Product Knowledge
* Product monograph / Product Manual
* Handout literature & Visual Aid
* Clinical Reports
Product knowledge is, of course, the most avaluable resource. However, there may be times when information is not immediately available with you. In such circumstances you must-
August 1999, Pharma Marketing Page.
This article appeared in Pharma Business 28th July 2000.
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