Food For Thought
"Obstacles are..." - Henry Ford
"Life is..." - Claude Pepper
"Marketing is..." - Peter Drucker
"They can..." - Virgil
"Plans are..." - Dwight D. Eisenhower
"I visualised..." - Michael Jordan
"While great devices..." - William H. Davidow
"Marketing strategy is..." - John Scully
"A product is..." - Stephen King
"The enemy advances..." - Mao Tse-Tung"Trifles make perfection..." - Michelangelo
"Managers who are..." - Leonard Sayles
"I am sceptical about..." - Henry Mintzberg
"Markets are not created by..." - Peter Drucker
"Success has always been..." - Michael Korda
"Your company does not..." - Philip Kotler
"Any company that cannot imagine..." - Gary Hamel & C. K. Prahalad
"The marketing view of..." - Ted Levitt
"Time waste differs from..." - Henry Ford
"Companies pay too much attention..." - Philip Kotler
"Every company should..." - Philip Kotler
"That birds of worry..." - Chinese Proverb
"A leader is a man..." - Harry Truman
"By empowering others ..." - Rosabeth Moss Kanter
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