1. IgE is also known as
reaginic antibody.
2. In Type
I (anaphylactic) reactions, histamine is released from the neutrophils.
3. In bronchial
asthma, release of chemical mediators results in bronchospasm.
4. Fexofenadine
is a non-sedating antihistamine.
5. To prevent
allergic reactions, antihistamines e.g., chlorpheneramine, act by blocking
histamine H2 receptors.
6. Seasonal allergic rhinitis is also known as hay fever.
7. The usual dosage of cetirizine is 50 mg once daily.
8. Urticaria is a condition similar to allergic contact dermatitis, in that
both conditions are characterised by a localised rash occurring due to direct
contact of the skin with an allergen.
9. Application of potent topical corticosteroids on the skin can produce
cutaneous atrophy.
10. If a patient does not develop an allergic reaction to a particular drug
at the first instance, future use of that drug will also not cause allergy.
: 1.
Right 2. Wrong 3. Right 4. Right
5. Wrong
Right 7. Wrong 8. Wrong 9. Right 10.