Quiz 3 - Pharma Marketing
Which of the following statements are correct ? Click on the buttons to check your knowledge
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1. Product benefits, rather than features, are what matter more to a customer.

2. Brand equity is irrelevant to "me-too" products.

3. Scientific symposia and presentation of clinical data are particularly useful for the promotion of new pharma products.

4. In the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) model, cash would be expected to flow from the "cash cows" to the "question marks".

5. Valium is the world's top-selling pharmaceutical brand today.

6. Each of the top 50 pharma companies in India have their products available at over 80% of retail outlets.

7. Findings in Retail Store Audit are generally similar to those in Prescription Audit.

8. In terms of value (in dollars), the total Indian pharmaceutical market in 1998 exceeded that of Japan.

Answers : 1. Right   2. Wrong  3. Right   4. Right   5. Wrong   6. Wrong   7. Wrong   8. Wrong